Sunday, April 24, 2011


Me again. Have not posted another blog entry for awhile, that changes today.

I wanted to discuss something- conformity systems and how it correlates with purely biological, instinctive survival. Conformity is everywhere, and people try especially hard to avoid it. In doing so, they join preemptive cliques representing conformity in itself, just not mainstream ideals, but not individuality either.

Irony. Haha. We immediately seek comfort, belonging, and acceptance as soon as we're consciously aware of our existence. Why is this though? Strength in numbers? A covering of vulnerability and responsibility?

Then there's the alpha male bravado mentality which runs the pack, or cliques, I should say. Large numbers they grow into, and were dominant leaders in primitive times, and even today, have impact. Artists, movie starts, or song artists have this power the most, as do political figures.

Now for the next part. There is the lone wolf, or outcast. In groups, predatory senses always pick up the weakest link- the one that stands out, and can never gain acceptance within a group. Why? Beaten, murdered, picked on, harassed, or just rejected, it symbolizes a sub conscience awareness of wanting to be in control, dominant, and in a position of power. Some people may not conscientiously display these traits, but nothing changes in that aspect. Apparently all males are sub consciously attracted to their mothers.

Weird, huh? Now while conformity is usually the dominant and underlying factor for ignorance, stupidity, and arrogance, people do strive to make a name for themselves. It's cool how evolutionary biology has transfixed species to ensure survival, with systematically endorsed methods of selection to remove negative, malformed, or disfigured links, or the "weak ones." Now, medical methods have allowed these retards to live, overpopulation is a burden, and conformity systems are made less articulate and more low functioning.

Pop stars? Gangsters? Thug life? Arrogant prick bastard that overcompensates?

Yeah. Just a question to ponder.  I think our conscience ability correlates with an instinctive need to fit in, and will to survive.

Everyone needs family.

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